3 Pilates Moves for a Flat Belly

Lie on your back with your legs extended straight up to the ceiling and your heels together toes slightly turned out in a Pilates V stance. Place your hands behind your head elbows wide and lift your head and neck up. Keep your head lifted and slowly lower and lift your legs straight down and up (only as low as you can go without letting the back arch off the mat). Inhale to lower and exhale to lift. Repeat 8 to 10 times. Then relax your head back to the mat. (Appcession)

Next, lower your legs all the way to the floor, separate them hip width apart, flex through your feet and extend through your heels. Keep your hands behind your head, elbows wide. On an inhalation, use your abdominals to round your torso up off the mat until you come all the way up to sit. Once upright, exhale and scoop in your abs even further and curl up and over an imaginary beach ball. Inhale to sit back up tall, then lower down to the mat hollowing out your abdominals and feeling every vertebrae of your spine melt in to the floor as you exhale the air out. Repeat 4 to 6 times. (Appcession)

Come on to your left elbow and extend your legs in line with your shoulders, stacking your right leg above your left. Press firmly into your left forearm and use your obliques and abdominals to lift your torso up off the mat. Extend your right arm to the ceiling and look up to it. Exhale, twist your torso and bring your right arm under your left, side looking back toward the hand. Inhale to starting position and repeat 6 to 8 more times. Then switch sides. (Appcession)