What Lindsay Lohan's Parents Stole From Her

Feb. 9, 2011: Actress Lindsay Lohan appears in court as she pleads not guilty to a grand theft charge of stealing a $2,500 necklace from a jewelry store in Los Angeles. (Reuters)

If Lindsay Lohan is guilty of stealing a $2500 necklace from a jewelry store (as felony charges against her now state), it isn’t because she’s financially strapped. She’s very, very rich. So, why would a wealthy and beautiful woman like her steal something she could easily have thrown on a credit card?

If she’s guilty, she did it for the same reason she illegally used drugs and drove under the influence and—maybe—assaulted an employee at The Betty Ford Center: She had so much stolen from her as a young person, had her boundaries violated so feloniously, that she considers the boundaries of others irrelevant.

Yeah, that’s right. I said that if she is a thief, it is because of what was stolen from her. If she is an assailant, it is because she was assaulted. If she is without regard for others it is because she has no deep, internal regard for herself.

I’m no bleeding heart (check my other blogs if you doubt me on that), but I know a woman on the run from her truth when I see one. For Lindsay Lohan theft and violence against others is a metaphor. It is life imitating . . . well . . . life. Her life. She is acting out a drama at age 24 that is really a remake of a drama she must have lived through at, say, age 8 or 10.

Now, I don’t know Lindsay Lohan and have never treated her (or this wouldn’t be happening, in the first place). But I would guess that some of what was stolen from her was her autonomy, her sense of self. I would guess that her boundaries were violated, at minimum, by her being rented out as a child actress by her parents—who, apparently, also like to steal things (like, say, their daughter’s childhood). Hmmm. Things starting to make sense now?

Here’s the truth: No child movie star is in movies because he or she decides to be. A child may like acting and be good at it. A child may be pretty or handsome and especially telegenic. A child may be socially advanced enough to audition well. But no child—not one child anywhere on the face of the planet—has it in his or her mind to work as an actor and audition compulsively for more work and worry over whether there will ever be another call from her agent. Those are manifestations of her parents’ dreams and plans and anxieties. Not hers. They are, therefore, an assault on that child and theft of that child’s true intentions—which might be, say, to play outside and play dress-up and play hide-and-go-seek and not be absent from school to shoot films and, well, be a child.

Every, single child professional actor has been, in greater or lesser measure, exploited by adults, for their own narcissistic needs and for profit.

If Lohan is guilty of attacking another person and guilty of wearing stolen jewelry
then she is immune to the normal feelings of remorse that would normally visit one who inflicts pain or takes away what rightfully belongs to another. Such people learned that others are not worthy of respect, generally because they were the object of that disregard in their own lives.

Assault and theft. Lindsay Lohan, I would venture, knows all about those things, very deep inside. And not just because of what she did. No, no. Don’t believe that for a moment. Mostly, this is a story about what was done to her.

Dr. Keith Ablow is a psychiatrist and member of the Fox News Medical A-Team. He is a New York Times best-selling author, and co-author, with Glenn Beck, of the book "The 7: Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life". Dr. Ablow can be reached at info@keithablow.com.

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