Tweak Your Workout to Maximize Your Results

Upgrade the shoulder press:   <b>Supinated barbell shoulder press (palms facing you)</b> This variation will tackle the anterior part of the shoulders along with the triceps and the biceps. Make sure that you lower the bar up to shoulder level. This will make the arms heavily work. (Andrew Meade Photography )

Upgrade the barbell lunge:  <b>Front lunge</b> This exercise will emphasize more the quadriceps work along with the shoulders and core muscles for stabilization. Keep the back straight, don’t lean forward and maintain the elbows up. (Andrew Meade Photography )

Upgrade the overhead tricep extension:  <b>Narrow chest press</b> By placing the arms closer together while keeping the elbows close to your body, the triceps will kick in along with the pectoralis and the shoulders muscles. Lower the bar up to chest level and keep the arms close to your body at all times. (Andrew Meade Photography )

Upgrade the deadlift and back row:   <b>Single deadlift to row</b> This exercise will make your work not just the hamstrings, gluteus and erector spine muscles but also the upper back. Likewise, you’ll heavily tax the core muscles. Keep the back straight, chest up, maintain the neck align with the spine, don’t rotate the hip and go as low as you can while keeping proper form. When rowing keep the arms close to your body and bring the elbow back. If the exercise is too challenges put the leg down or hold onto something until you can progress. (Andrew Meade Photography )