Tanya's Tasty Tips: Super Foods

Everyone knows they should eat fruits, vegetables, nuts/seeds and whole grains for good health. But do you know which are among the healthiest? Below are among my favorite Super Foods and some suggestions for incorporating them into your diet! These foods aren't only delicious, but eating them can add years to your life!




How to eat them: Sprinkle one to two tablespoons of ground flaxseed into your yogurt, cereal, salad, soup or cake batters.


How to eat them: You can enjoy parsley as a garnish to your salads, fish or chicken or you can even use it as a seasoning and cook your meals with it for added flavor and health benefits.


How to eat them: The juice and pulp of acai fruits are frequently used in various juice blends, smoothies, sodas, and other beverages. In northern Brazil, aASSaA is traditionally served in gourds called "cuias" with tapioca and sometimes sugar. Acai has become a fad in southern Brazil where it is consumed cold as aASSaA na tigela ("aASSaA in the bowl"), mostly mixed with granola - a fad where acai is considered as an energizer. Acai is also widely consumed in Brazil as an ice cream flavor or juice.




Tanya Zuckerbrot, MS, RD is a nutritionist and the creator of The F-Factor DietaC/, an innovative nutritional program she has used for more than ten years to provide hundreds of her clients with all the tools they need to achieve easy weight loss and maintenance, improved health and well-being. For more information log onto www.FFactorDiet.com.

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