Taking Body Sculpting To the Next Level

The newest cutting edge in aesthetic medicine is whole body rejuvenation. Although, liposuction is the most popular type of body rejuvenation procedures performed in the world, there is an exciting new technology called Laser Lipolysis, which has made this procedure safer with improved results. This new technology is often performed under local anesthesia in your plastic surgeon or dermatologist's office without the need for hospitalization.

The technology involves a laser fiber being inserted under the skin to liquefy the fat in unwanted areas. After transforming the fat into liquid form, it is then suctioned out through a small hollow tube. There are several different technologies which target the unwanted fat cells in our body. The targeting of these components has made this procedure safer, gentler and suitable for more people. The laser fiber itself, which is inserted directly under the skin, allows for better molding and contouring during the surgical procedure. Most importantly, it gives long term shaping of the body's own collagen, so that the skin is tighter and patients see a more uniformed result as compared to traditional liposuction surgery.

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Various companies have marketed this technology as CoolLipoaC/, SmartLipoaC/, LipoLiteaC/, SlimLipo (r) or SmoothLipo. What is great about these new procedures is that you can often return to relatively normal daily activities and even go back to the gym within two to three days. However, it is still necessary to wear a compression garment for a few days after the procedure which is less time than with traditional liposuction.

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The good news is that this is just the beginning of a new pioneering wave of advanced body contouring technologies.

Dr. Neil Sadick is one of the most renowned dermatologists and researchers whose multiple discoveries have strongly influenced and transformed the future of dermatology. He is a Professor of Dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College and President of the Cosmetic Surgery Foundation. Dr. Sadick is author, or co-author, of more than 500 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and has contributed more than 75 chapters of medical books. Read more at


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