Son of woman with Ebola says she is getting better

Jeremy Writebol holds a photograph of his mother and father before an interview with a reporter in Wichita, Kan., Sunday, Aug. 3, 2014. Jeremy is the son of Nancy Writebol, a missionary stricken with Ebola. (AP Photo/Orlin Wagner)

The son of a North Carolina-based missionary says his mother is doing well as she's being treated for the Ebola virus in an Atlanta hospital.

Jeremy Writebol told NBC's "Today" show in an interview broadcast Tuesday that Nancy Writenbol's eyes are getting brighter and she's even joking a little.

Jeremy Writebol said he had been concerned his mother might not make it when she was taken out of an ambulance at Emory University's hospital last week after being flown from Liberia. A second American, Dr. Kent Brantly, had been able to walk from the ambulance into the hospital.

Writebol said doctors have said they expect her to recover, though they haven't elaborated. He also said he wouldn't be surprised if his parents want to return to Liberia after she recovers.