Power Up with the Power Ball

<b>Squat to Shoulder Press</b> Keep the back straight, abdominals tight while you sit back (90 degree angle) lifting the medicine ball up with straight arms. If you’re working on the power day, you should do this movement explosively. (Andrew Meade Photography)

<b>Unilateral Deadlift to Row </b> Lift up the back leg as high as you can, no more than parallel to the floor while your torso maintains a straight leg, back and core tight. The MB should be close to your leg. Go as low as you can while maintaining form. When you lift up your body to keep up constant tension don’t allow the leg that you raise to rest on the floor. Lift up and then immediately go back to the next rep. (Andrew Meade Photography)

<b>Lunge to Knee Raise</b> Keep the MB close to your body. Perform a lunge, making sure that your front leg reaches a 90-degree angle. Immediately, bring the back leg up to a knee raise while keeping the hips tight, back straight and chest up. This exercise is among the ones that can be performed explosively on the power day. (Andrew Meade Photography)

<b>Plie Squat to Plantar Flexion</b> Legs should be wider than shoulder-width apart. The foot should point out. Go lower while keeping the back straight and lift your heels to work your calves when you’re in this position. Chest up. (Andrew Meade Photography)

<b>Single Leg Squat</b> Legs shoulder width apart, MB at chest level, flex one leg like if you were going to sit on a bench, butt out, go as low as you can while maintaining good form. Raise the body up and make sure the leg doesn’t touch the floor to keep constant tension. (Andrew Meade Photography)

<b>Plank to Push-up</b> Place the hands on the ball, arms straight, foot as close as you can, hips tight, the body should make a straight line. Hold this position for 15 seconds and then perform a push up. Make sure that you lower your chest and not just the arms. The wider the legs, the easier the exercise is. (Andrew Meade Photography)

<b>Unilateral Push-up </b> Keep the same form as exercise 6, but put one hand on the ball, do a push up and roll the ball to the other hand and do a push up with this hand. That is one rep. (Andrew Meade Photography)