People suffer, die in months-long waiting list for surgery in Venezuela hospitals

Pedro Merchan had to wait four months for a back surgery. Now he can't walk and needs intense rehab. (Franz von Bergen)

Most patients are hospitalised in common areas (Franz von Bergen)

Most doors at the hospital are deteriorated as happens with the furniture (Franz von Bergen)

The women bathroom has broken doors and is "contaminated" according to a sign on the door (Franz von Bergen)

Just one elevator is working at Caracas' University Hospital (Franz von Bergen)

Some bathroom don't have doors and they were changed by curtains. (Franz von Bergen)

Most doors at the hospital are deteriorated as happens with the furniture (Franz von Bergen)

The doors and walls of the hospital reveal the deterioration of the building (Franz von Bergen)

(Franz von Bergen)

The University Hospital is located at Venezuela's Central University. The front of the building is also deteriorated (Franz von Bergen)