NYC hotel, spa offer personalized sleep services

(Photo courtesy My Fox NY)

People having trouble getting enough shut-eye may try adjusting their diet or exercise routine, or even go so far as to pop a sleeping pill on the regular. But if those methods fail, a spa service in New York offers another possible solution, My Fox NY reported.

The Yelo Spa, in midtown Manhattan, has a designated napping room that the company has dubbed the Yelo Cabin, or “Yelo Cab” for short.

According to, inside the Yelo Cab is a zero-gravity reclining chair, as well as lighting that can be adjusted to meet each client’s color and dimness preferences.

Another midtown Manhattan location, the Benjamin Hotel, offers its guests black-out drapes, an eye mask, and 10 different pillows to choose from. One option, the lullaby pillow, allows users to fall asleep while listening to music from their personal devices.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 70 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders and spend about $32 billion in sleep treatment per year. Research suggests that clocking too little shut-eye is linked to an increased risk of hypertension, diabetes and obesity.

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