New, Glittery Feminine Products Introduces Menstruation to Tweens

It’s a proven fact that girls are getting their periods as young as 7 years old, as detailed in last year’s Pediatrics journal, and both mom and daughter might not feel ready for such a life-changing event.

In order to help with the transition, Kotex has created a new line of pads and panty liners designed to fit a tween. U by Kotex Tween are smaller and come in glittery, tween-inspired packages with an information booklet, the company said in a press release.

The pads are also designed with an array of hearts and stars.

Kotex partnered with Dr. Lissa Rankin, a gynecologist and mother, who is also the founder of Owning Pink, an online community that encourages open communication between mothers and daughters.

“I wasn’t prepared for my first period, and I don’t want that for my daughter,” Rankin said. “I’m so proud to be working with the Kotex brand to help empower moms to have a real, open dialogue with their daughters and reduce the stress and anxiety around the ‘talk’ – it should be a bonding experience for both of them.”

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Kotex is also working with Disney Family – the two companies updated the “Story of Menstruation” video, which is available on Kotex’s website.

Susan Kim, who co-wrote “Flow: The Cultural Story of Menstruation,” told the New York Times she was startled when she first heard about U by Kotex Tween, but now understands such a kit is necessary.

“What punched me in the gut is that the age of menarche had dropped so precipitously,” Kim said. “My first reaction was, ‘Oh my gosh, a period kit for an 8-year-old – eek!”

Click here to learn more about this product from Kotex.

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