Jane Seymour shares her longevity secrets

Jane Seymour is known for her roles as a Bond girl, a doctor on the new frontier and even a ‘wedding crasher.’ But the award-winning actress is also an accomplished artist, philanthropist and proud mother. She recently sat down with Dr. Manny Alvarez, senior managing health editor of FoxNews.com to talk about how staying physically and emotionally fit has helped her maintain a successful career for more than 45 years.

Even at 63 years old, Seymour said she always finds the time to exercise.

“I do everything in moderation,” she said. “I work out at least three times a week, I do a combination of light weights, Pilates and gyrotonics. So I’ve always got every part of my body working.”

In addition to avoiding cigarettes and limiting caffeine, Seymour likes to keep her diet simple.

“I eat organic fruits and vegetables, we have our own chickens and eggs, I cook a lot of times I like very clean kind of food, but I’m not obsessed with it,” she said.  “I’m not a big dessert lover, but I always have a piece of dark chocolate at the end of the day. And I love wine but I don’t have too much of it. “

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Seymour said her lifestyle is a result of listening to her body, and she has always been an advocate for a combination of alternative and western medicine. She also believes women can be too hard on themselves when it comes to appearance.

“I am a great believer that beauty comes from within,” she said. “ And I think my mother taught me very well, and said, ‘Darling there are always other people worse off than you. And if you can give back and help other people it will help you.’ That’s really very much my mantra.”

One of the main ways Seymour gives back is through her Open Hearts Foundation.

Each year, the Open Hearts Foundation honors individuals whose inspiring stories exemplify the ‘Open Hearts Philosophy’ inspired by advice Jane got from her mother – that love should have no boundaries and should flow unconditionally.

This year’s honorees include:

Derrick Hall: President and CEO of the Arizona Diamondbacks, Derrick Hall, is a prostate cancer survivor and is passionate about raising awareness of preventative health measures. He is active in generating widespread financial support for ongoing cancer research and treatments. He also established The Derrick Hall Pro-State Foundation, which will provide comprehensive information and support for families dealing with screening, diagnosis, treatment and recovery from prostate cancer.

Travis Mills: As a result of injuries sustained while on tour in Afghanistan, retired US Army Staff Sergeant Travis Mills is a quadruple amputee. He founded the Travis Mills Foundation to benefit and assist wounded and injured veterans. Through his foundation and its support of other wounded veteran organizations, Travis continues to inspire veterans to live every day by his personal motto: “Never give up. Never quit.”

Lauren Parsekian-Paul and Molly Thompson: As the creators and co-founders of the internationally recognized Kind Campaign movement, Lauren Parsekian-Paul and Molly Thompson have made a documentary film, gone on national tours and developed a school program in order raise awareness about the negative and lasting effects of girl-against-girl bullying, which both have dealt with on a personal level.

Kimberly Williams-Paisley: Actor, writer, director and philanthropist, Kimberly Williams-Paisley has publicly shared her personal experiences of supporting her mother through the various stages of dementia in order to raise awareness of the effects dementia has on the patient, as well as the impact it has on the family and caregivers.

Funds raised from the 2014 Open Hearts Gala will benefit the Open Hearts Foundation, which supports the honorees’ chosen charities, among others.

For more information, visit KeepAnOpenHeart.com and JaneSeymour.com.

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