How Pairing Exercises can Improve Your Results

<strong>Deadlift</strong> <strong> to Row + Squat to Press</strong> <strong> = Lean Body Mass</strong> <b>Deadlift to Row: </b>Keep the back straight, chest up and the bar close to your body. Bring the hips backward while lowering the bar passing the knees only if you can keep the back straight and proper technique. In this position do a row and lift up the body to the starting position. Don’t round your back. (Andrew Meade Photography)

<strong>Deadlift</strong> <strong> to Row + Squat to Press</strong> <strong> = Lean Body Mass</strong> <b>Squeat to Press: </b>Keep the bar at shoulder high, bend at the hips to perform a squat and in one motion lift the bar up to a shoulder press. Keep the core tight. (Andrew Meade Photography)

<strong>Dumbbell Step-Up + Physioball Hamstring</strong> <strong> Curl =  Run better</strong> <b>Dumbbell Step-Up: </b>When stepping, push through the heals from the leg that sits on the bench. Don’t use the rear leg to get up nor shrug the dumbbells. Keep the arms extend by your side. (Andrew Meade Photography)

<strong>Dumbbell Step-Up + Physioball Hamstring</strong> <strong> Curl =  Run better</strong> <b>Physioball Hamstring Curl: </b>Use the hamstrings and the glutes to bring in the ball. Keep hips straight and tight. Don’t  let them fall. (Andrew Meade Photography)

<strong>Squat</strong> <strong> + Deadlift = Core strength</strong> <b>Squats:</b> Keep the back straight, abdominals tight and chest up. Sit back. (Andrew Meade Photography)

<strong>Squat</strong> <strong> + Deadlift = Core strength</strong> <b>Deadlift: </b>Keep the back straight, neck align with the spine and the bar close to your chins. Lift the bar using the hamstrings and the gluteus. Don’t round your back. (Andrew Meade Photography)

<strong>Burpee</strong> <strong> + Mountain Climber = Increase cardiovascular capacity</strong> <b>Burpee:</b> (L-R) Jump back, jump in and jump upward, land softly. This should be one powerful move. (Andrew Meade Photography)

<strong>Burpee</strong> <strong> + Mountain Climber = Increase cardiovascular capacity</strong> <strong>Mountain Climber</strong><b>: </b>(L-R) From a push up position bring one knee to the opposite elbow. Alternate legs. Do this as fast as you can without moving the hips. (Andrew Meade Photography)