Going Avocado

Yes. That's it. Just avocado. And no, I'm not being lazy with today's recipe! Let me explain_

Every week at our local farmer's market, without fail our favorite avocado farmers split an avocado, drizzle each half with lime juice, add a pinch of salt and give them to Kenya and Chloe to eat in their stroller. Five minutes later, all that's left are the paper plates and the avocado shells. This ritual has been going on for over two years and I think it's the most satisfying and complete meal either of my kids have all week. It's always the simple pleasures in life that make us the happiest, and since weelicious is all about fast, fresh and easy, what could be a better recipe to post today than just ... avocado.

I'm not exactly sure how many avocados my family goes through each week, but suffice to say it's a lot. We use them in tons of recipes like guacamole, (yes, shakes!), sandwiches, dips, quesadillas, sushi, saladsand more. Avocados are a superfoodthat should be an essential addition to your kid's diet as they provide nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, potassium, vitamin E, B-vitamins and folic acid. They're also one of the best sources of monounsaturated fats of any food. And don't forget, avocado is actually a fruit and its creamy, smooth texture and mild taste not only make it a perfect ingredient for both sweet and savory dishes but are also food qualities kids tend to love.

No matter how you decide to eat your avocado, one thing I can assure you of is that you'll be happy!

Catherine McCord is a model, actress and mother-of-two. She launched

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