Foods to Avoid at Summer Festivals

<b>Hot Dogs</b> A hot dog is not an option, they typically run between 400-650 calories. If possible, go for just plain chicken. Protein helps sustain alertness and mental energy, something you may need while rocking out.   (Getty)

<b>Beer</b> What’s the point of going to a show if you can’t have some spirits? I won’t kill your spirits, so have a glass of red wine or a bottle of light beer. On average they contain between 85-105 calories. Wine is rich with antioxidants. Just don’t overdo it. (Getty)

<b>Pizza</b> A single slice will range from 380-450 calories, Festival slices are usually about ¼ of the entire pizza that is already oversized. Don’t do it.   (Getty)

<b>Frozen Lemonade</b> Sugary drinks like frozen lemonade on average contain 27-54 grams of sugar per serving, not to mention the fact that you’re consuming precious food calories. Save your calories for food. Drink water.   (Getty)

<b>Soft Pretzel</b> A soft pretzel will range from 380-470 calories.  If there are pretzels made of whole grain, it’s not terrible, but split it with a friend to reduce your calories, and no salt!   (Getty)

<b>Nachos</b> A 4oz serving of nacho cheese contains 181 calories. Aside from being really fattening, the addition of tortilla chips makes for a bloated surprise.   (Rosie Acosta)

<b>Stay away from the carb stand! </b> Carbohydrates in high calorie treats tend to have a tranquilizing effect on the body. The last thing you want is to feel sluggish when your favorite band comes out on stage. Instead share a small bag of butter less popcorn with a friend.   (Rosie Acosta)