Feeling isolated

(Noreen Fraser)

(Noreen Fraser)

Have you ever felt isolated?

That’s a great caption for this picture. Yes, I felt isolated in the hyperbaric oxygen chamber, but it's not the first time I've ever felt isolated, and I'm sure that's true of every person reading this blog. Whether it's cancer, depression, loneliness, or a chronic disease, life can turn on a dime, and you can find yourself in a very dark place.

One of the toughest realities for those of us who live with stage IV or metastatic disease is that when all is said and done, when all our friends have gone home and our family is asleep, we really are alone. We suffer alone. And when the darkness comes, we have to fight off the feelings of isolation, the anger and the deep sadness. Empathy from friends and family is one thing, but the reality of never knowing how much time you have left on this earth is a heavy burden.

When discoveries are presented to you, like the hyperbaric chamber, hope springs eternal.   But if it doesn't work for you, it is just placed on the list of disappointments one has to live with as a person with a chronic disease.

So, the answer?  Here's a left turn for you: Comedy. Watching movies that make you laugh and take your mind away from your problems.  At least that's what works for me.

“The Hangover” (just the first one), “A Fish Called Wanda,” “Family Guy” or anything written by Seth McFarlane, “Seinfeld,” the early Adam Sandler movies, Bill Murray, “Saturday Night Live,” “I Love Lucy” reruns, “How I Met Your Mother,” “Knocked Up,” and Jimmy Kimmel.  I could go on forever.

I'm betting on the hyperbaric oxygen chamber. Hope springs eternal.

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