Count your blessings


We all have been blessed, but sometimes it’s hard to see.  Cancer is no blessing, and I’m pretty angry about it, but Thanksgiving is a time to count our blessings.

My brain scan came back clear today, and I am grateful for that.  It doesn’t explain my right arm and hand shaking, complete exhaustion, tripping frequently, bumping into things and swollen ankles that need to be iced nightly.

But, I don’t have cancer in my brain, and I am thankful for that.

Last Saturday was the Noreen Fraser Foundation’s third annual Power of Comedy event.  Seth MacFarland was our honoree, and we had a lineup of the funniest comedians on the planet.  Laughing is so important to our mental health.  If you believe in the mind-body spirit connection, you can understand how comedy can be a big part of the healing process.

If you don’t have a real, live comedian in your neighborhood who can come to dinner every night, (how sad for you!), then you have to rent movies or books.  Every night before you go to bed, ask yourself, “Did I take all my pills, and did I laugh enough today?”  If the answer to the second part is “no,” get out of bed, find the newspaper and read the funnies.

My heart is still broken, and life will never be the same without my friend Krissy. Cancer took her at such a young age.  How many friends and relatives have you lost to cancer?  Cancer  takes the life of one person every minute.  Every minute of every day.  Unacceptable.

Soon, it will be 2013.  A new year and a time for new goals.  “Killing cancer” is my goal.  Will you make it yours, and help me?

If we work together, we will make a difference.  Happy Thanksgiving.