CDC: 1 in 100 adults Made Suicide Plans in Past Year

One in 100 American adults made plans to commit suicide in the past year, a survey out Thursday suggested.

The rate of those plotting to kill themselves varied greatly from state to state, with one in 1,000, or 0.1 percent, in Georgia to nearly three in 100, or 2.8 percent, in Rhode Island.

As for serious thoughts of suicide -- distinguished from specific plans of suicide -- rates were again lowest in the Peach State, where one in 50 adults contemplated the act, according to the study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Utah, meanwhile, led the nation in suicidal thoughts, with one in 15 adults, or 6.8 percent, seriously thinking about killing themselves, the study said.

The report gave no explanation as to why the landlocked Beehive State was a leader in suicidal thoughts.

But it did note that historically, suicide rates "have consistently been higher in Western states, especially the Rocky Mountain states."

The report, billed as the first to present state-level data on non-fatal suicidal behavior among American adults, is based on information from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health from 2008-2009.

It also showed that the rate of suicide attempts ranged from one in 1,000 adults in Delaware and Georgia, to one in 67 in Rhode Island.

Suicidal thoughts, suicide planning and suicide attempts were significantly more prevalent among young adults aged 18 to 29 than among adults aged 30 or older, with those behaviors much higher among females than among males, the report said.

Health officials hoped the report would raise awareness about the prevalence of suicidal tendencies in the United States, where every 15 minutes someone takes his own life, and even more individuals are thinking about it.

"Suicide is a tragedy for individuals, families, and communities. This report highlights that we have opportunities to intervene before someone dies by suicide," CDC Director Thomas M. Frieden said. "We can identify risks and take action before a suicide attempt takes place."

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