9 Ways to Burn Fat Fast

Drinking water prevents dehydration, which has been shown to slow metabolism. People who are dehydrated often confuse thirst for hunger and end up eating unnecessary calories. <a href="http://twitter.com/drmannyonFOX">Follow Fox News Health on Twitter!</a>  

Eating small snacks in-between meals will stop you from overeating at mealtime. Make sure your snack is a healthy one: Opt for foods that are nutritious, like peanut butter. Research from Purdue University indicates that men feel fuller after eating the sticky snack.

Stress can contribute to the loss of muscle and slow your metabolism. So try some yoga poses to relieve any tension you may have in your life.

Studies have proven that vitamin D has an effect on losing weight, and what better way to get vitamin D than by getting some sunlight. That said, be sure to use plenty of sunscreen to protect yourself from skin cancer. <a href="http://twitter.com/drmannyonFOX">Follow Fox News Health on Twitter!</a>  

Studies show that vitamin C is helpful in burning fat. Opt for at least 75 milligrams a serving. One-half of a grapefruit contains 44 milligrams of vitamin C. Most fruits high in vitamin C also contain fiber, which is also helpful in burning calories.

Even if you don't belong to a fancy gym, you can burn calories during your normal daily routine. If you are in an office setting, take the stairs instead of the elevator. Stair climbing burns about twice as many calories than any other activity. If you sit at a desk all day, get up and walk around.

Muscle burns more calories than fat, and low muscle mass can be a top culprit for a slow metabolism. Cardio is great for burning calories, but lifting weights will build the muscle you need to keep your inner furnace nice and hot. To build and maintain muscle mass, aim for two to three strength-training workouts a week. Don't have dumbbells? Push-ups, squats, chair dips and crunches can work just as well.

Smile! Tell a joke! Engage in humor! Whatever you do, laughing raises your metabolic rate and allows you to burn at least 10 calories. <a href="http://twitter.com/drmannyonFOX">Follow Fox News Health on Twitter!</a>  

Studies show that drinking green tea after exercising increases fat oxidation, improves insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance in healthy young men.