9 Reasons Coffee Is Good for You

Coffee has a stimulating richness recognized for centuries as a natural curative.  Published studies have documented the benefits of the topical application of coffee and its major constituent, caffeine. Christine Willett, founder of Barista Bath and Body, has extensively studied the effects of coffee on one’s body and this is what she has found.   <a href="http://twitter.com/drmannyonfox">Follow Fox News Health on Twitter! </a>

Caffeine was identified as a stimulator of human hair growth, in vitro, a fact that has important clinical impact in the management of AGA (androgenetic alopecia or premature hair loss).  Caffeine applied topically blocks the production of the hormone DHT at the hair follicle. DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is considered the primary cause of hair follicle destruction triggering hereditary hair loss or pattern baldness.

Coffee has a pH of 4.5 to 5.5, which is slightly acidic. This acidity constricts the pores, creates a protective layer and provides the appearance of firmer, younger looking skin - and helps fight acne too.

Coffee grounds have been used for centuries to slough off old, dead and dried skin cells. <br><br> Removal of old skin cells allows for increased moisture absorption by new skin cells. The caffeine in coffee grounds stimulates new cell growth resulting in a finer, firmer appearance

Caffeine at 10 percent solution inhibits the growth of the enzyme (phosphodiesterase), which exacerbates psoriasis.

The flavanoids in caffeine have been found to inhibit the formation of UVB- induced tumors.

Caffeine, which contains chlorogenic Acid, promotes the natural, non-traumatic elimination of skin cells previously damaged by UVB exposure. These damaged cells cause wrinkles, dark spots and droopy skin.

Trigonelline, caffeic acid, and chlorogenic acid compounds in all coffee and coffee extracts have been found to inhibit bacterial growth of at least 10 microbes including the one causing staph infections like MRSA.

Coffee and caffeine act as vasodilators, which constrict the surface of the skin so it feels tighter and firmer.   <a href="http://twitter.com/drmannyonfox">Follow Fox News Health on Twitter! </a>

The anti-oxidants in coffee neutralize the free radicals created by the body which lead to inflammation and inhibits the growth of hormones and enzymes, which cause inflammation. (iStock)

Incidentally, research shows that coffee drinkers, compared to nondrinkers, are less likely to develop diseases like type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's and dementia. Coffee drinkers have fewer cases of certain cancers, heart rhythm problems and strokes.  (iStock)