7 ways to have delicious sex

<b>Satisfy an A.M. urge. <br></b>Ignoring your rumbling belly at breakfast is a bad idea, and so is postponing a morning mash-up. Your guy probably wakes up ready for action (men are like that), so start the day with a score. It will up your oxytocin, the bonding hormone, Ian Kerner, coauthor of "The Big, Fun, Sexy Sex Book," said. Another result: You'll feel hotter all day. Related: <a href="http://www.self.com/fooddiet/2013/04/drop10-superfood-recipes-slideshow?mbid=synd_foxhealth">Delicious Superfood Recipes for Weight Loss</a>

<b>Tease your taste buds.</b><br> Even if you have a main squeeze, you can still appreciate a bit of eye candy (e.g., the cute guy from IT or David Beckham in an undies ad).  "Men tend to get aroused from one stimulus—you, naked. But women often need multiple sexual cues to get turned on," Kerner said. Noticing other dudes isn't a betrayal; it actually revs you up for the one you love. Related: <a href="http://www.self.com/beauty/2013/05/healthy-beauty-awards-best-buys-products-slideshow?mbid=synd_foxhealth">Best Beauty Products Under $15</a>

<b>Savor every nibble. </b> A cookie isn't as yummy when you're distracted by "The Bachelor," and that's true for sex, too. So make sure you're fully present: Mute everything, then focus on your guy's touch. Your sensations will be even more intense, sex educator Sadie Allison, author of  "Ride 'Em Cowgirl!" said.  Related: <a href="http://www.self.com/beauty/2013/04/things-that-make-you-break-out-slideshow?mbid=synd_foxhealth">The 8 Things That Are Making You Break Out</a>

<b>Do It Your Way</b><br> You wouldn't enjoy a well-done steak if you asked for it rare, so why settle for a move that doesn't do it for you? The key is to cue your guy in to what you love ... gently. Men crave specific, direct feedback, Kerner said. Just be sure to soften a gripe ("Not there!") with a positive hit: "Give me that move again!" 

<b>Give in to Your Craving<br></b>Pizza's a bummer when you're in the mood for Thai, and the same goes for sex. So if it's a no-frills quickie you're after, make it happen. You'll be glad you did, Logan Levkoff, author of "How to Get Your Wife to Have Sex With You," said. 

<b>Realize Even Plain Vanilla Can Be a Treat</b><br> Your go-to sex techniques become staples because they work, Debby Herbenick, author of "Sex Made Easy," said. Trying something new may be a fun diversion, but there's no need to feel guilty about going with a favorite either. Revel in the fact that it works every time.

<b>Cap It Off with a Goody <br></b>Finishing a great meal with chocolate only heightens your pleasure, and what you do after getting it on can also prolong that tingly feeling. So don't grab your phone as soon as your toes uncurl. Instead, prolong the intimacy by snuggling or hitting the shower à deux. Or use a postcoital moment to give your dude the five-star review he deserves. You'll feel more connected—and you may end up having seconds.