5 Ways to Fight Hair Loss

Hair loss isn't just a problem that men have to deal with. It can be a devastating and embarrassing issue for women as well. By the time a woman realizes she's losing her hair, most likely, she will have already lost up to 50 percent of it.

So, I recommend that women see an expert at the first sign of hair loss. Today, there are many treatment options that can both slow down hair loss as well as encourage new growth. Seeing a specialist to understand the underlying causes of why you may be experiencing hair loss is the key to quickly addressing the problem.

There are many things that you can do to prevent further hair loss, breakage and damage. Here are a few tips to help you out_

1. Use a natural bristle brush - plastic or artificial brushes can be aggressive with your hair and scalp. They tend to pull and damage the hair. A natural brush will help to limit damage from styling and brushing, leaving your hair fuller and more beautiful.

2. Using a hot setting on your hair dryer can be extremely damaging to your hair. Switch the hairdryer to a cooler setting. It might take longer to dry and style your hair but it will prevent harm. I also advise against curling, flat irons or other hot styling tools.

3. Always use a nourishing conditioner when you wash your hair with shampoo. Conditioners help restore the natural oils that are removed from the hair and scalp during the washing process. A nourishing conditioner will help soften and strengthen your hair. Keep in mind also that protein-based shampoos and conditioners are extremely effective in maintaining a healthy head of hair.

4. Avoid wearing hair in a tight pony tail. The pressure asserted on your hair, the follicles and the root is excessive when your hair is styled in this fashion. This pressure weakens the hair and can result in hair loss.

5. Avoid coloring your hair on your own. The chemical process that colors your hair actually strips and re-pigments your hair. Many home color kits contain harsh chemicals that damage your hair. These chemicals alter the stability of the hair and weaken its integrity. If coloring is necessary, go to a professional or use a natural colorant.

Lastly, consider adding leafy vegetables and eggs to your diet. It's been shown that diets rich in calcium and iron can help reduce or prevent hair loss. It's also a good idea to eat protein-rich foods. However, diet alone is not a solution and I encourage anyone with hair loss to seek the advice of a professional hair loss expert.

Dr. Neil Sadick is one of the most renowned dermatologists and researchers whose multiple discoveries have strongly influenced and transformed the future of dermatology. He is a Professor of Dermatology at Weill Cornell Medical College and President of the Cosmetic Surgery Foundation. Dr. Sadick is author, or co-author, of more than 500 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals and has contributed more than 75 chapters of medical books. Read more at


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