4 ways to combat a hangover

No matter how hard you try to avoid it, sometimes a hangover happens.

And you are left with a dry mouth, headache, fatigue – and maybe more.

Here are some natural ways to feel like yourself again.

1. Stay hydrated
The main problem when you have a hangover? The alcohol you drank dehydrated you. So, you are left feeling thirsty, sleepy and even light-headed.

Replenish some of that lost moisture with lots of water.

2. Eat bananas
This will replace some of the potassium and magnesium that you lost. Lack of magnesium is linked to fatigue and loss of appetite.

Bananas will also ease nausea, because they act as a natural antacid.

3. Ginger
Grind up some ginger. This root will soothe your stomach.
You can eat it raw, drink it in tea – or take capsules.

4. Asparagus
Studies show this green vegetable breaks down alcohol in your system. So make sure to eat some with your dinner before a night out.