Fishermen catch 12-foot hammerhead off coast of Texas

A fisherman and his friend caught a 12-foot hammerhead shark off the gulf coast of Texas. (Courtesy of Adam J)

Most people try avoiding sharks in their natural habitat, but one man in Texas was happy to run into one on a recent fishing trip.

Adam J, who goes by Freestyle Fisherman, shared photos from his wild encounter on Facebook.


He was out with a friend at Padre Island National Seashore off the coast of South Texas near Corpus Christi when the two men reeled in a 12-foot hammerhead from about half a mile out.

Adam quickly worked to release the shark back into the ocean after capturing a few pics of the massive fish. (Courtesy of Adam J)

The fisherman told Eyewitness News the encounter had his emotions "running wild from sheer adrenaline and excitement."

Adam J quickly worked to release the shark back into the ocean after capturing a few pics of the massive fish. “Conservation is first and foremost in all my fishing practices,” he told Fox News.

“My top priority when catching sharks is to make sure that they are returned to their habitat in as good a conditions as they came in. They have as much right (if not more) than any other large fish to be treated with kindness and respect in regards to their vital role to our oceans ecosystem,” he said.

Adam said after the shark is caught, he works with “tremendous speed” to remove the hook and then will swim with the shark to make sure they are strong enough to return to the deep in order to “ensure a successful release.”

Adam said after the shark is caught, he works with “tremendous speed” to remove the hook and then will swim with the shark to make sure they are strong enough to return to the deep in order to “ensure a successful release.” (Courtesy of Adam J)

“I have been in love with sharks since I was a small kid and am proud to have the opportunity to not only interact with them but also spread the word about conservation,” he said.


This isn’t the first big hammerhead caught in the area. Last year another fisherman, Eric Ozolins, caught a 13-foot hammerhead near Padre Island after a 15-minute fight. This shark was also released back into the ocean.

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