Eva Shockey's new series 'Outdoor 101' takes her out of her 'comfort zone'

As fans already know, Eva Shockey is a big fan of the great outdoors — but there’s one aspect she says she had to “teach” herself to love.

Shockey’s brand-new series, “Eva Shockey’s Outdoor 101,” debuts Monday, Dec. 17 on Facebook Watch, follows Shockey and her family as they explore her adopted home state of North Carolina. And along the way, Shockey dishes out hacks and tricks for the ultimate outdoor experience.

“I don’t care if you hunt, or if you fish, or if you camp or if you hike… it doesn’t really matter what you’re doing outdoors, just get outdoors, and I think you will be grateful that you took that chance and stepped out of your comfort zone,” Shockey told Fox News.

She was talking from experience, of course. By her own admission, Shockey, an accomplished hunter and conservationist, wasn’t always the biggest fan of fishing.

“My husband Tim is a big fisherman. He loves fishing, he grew up doing it. I didn’t grow up fishing,” Shockey explained. “Since marrying him, I’ve really had to teach myself to love that.”

Shockey said that fishing is a little more “slow-paced” than she’s used to, but she makes up for it by turning every fishing outing into a competition. Oh, and bringing snacks. She really recommends bringing snacks.

“There’s sort of an unspoken rule when you’re a hardcore fisherman that you don’t eat during the day,” Shockey said, “and I am the one that packs whole bags of snacks on the boat. So I bring a little bit of Eva onto the boat, and I think in the long run they appreciate it. They all get snacks.”


Watch the rest of the interview to learn more about Shockey, including her tips for getting the little ones outdoors. And be sure to check out “Eva Shockey’s Outdoor 101” Monday night at 9 p.m. PST on Facebook Watch.

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