Which Country Spends the Most on Beer?


As anyone who has picked up the tab at a bar can attest, a round of beers in the United States doesn't exactly come cheap. But just be glad you're not drinking in Iran, where a pint can run you almost eight bucks.

According to an infographic released by personal finance website Finances Online, a 0.5 liter bottle of domestic beer cost around $7.71 in Iran, with similar prices in nearby countries such as Kuwait ($7.09) and the United Arab Emirates ($6.20).

But that doesn't mean the Middle East spends more on beer than anywhere else in the world — that honor belongs to Australia, where they spend an estimated $747.90 per person, per year. Australia also ranked high in bottles of beer consumed (304 per person annually), coming in second only to the Czech Republic (419), where the beer flows like cheap, cheap wine ($0.71 per bottle).

On the other end of the spectrum, Ukraine spends the least on beer (a paltry $72.69 per person annually), while both Ukraine and Vietnam enjoy the cheapest domestic beers of anywhere in the world at $0.59 per bottle.

To see how America fared in the rankings, check out the infographic below:

Created by comparisons.financesonline.com — Author: Chris — Our Vimeo