Teach Your Dog New Tricks: 8 Wild Hot Dog Ideas for Your Next Cookout

(Clockwise from top left: Damn Delicious, That's So Michelle, Nibble Me This)

Tennessee Smoky Hot Dogs Chris at Nibble Me This spices up his Tennessee Smoky Dog with a smoky coleslaw made with char-grilled cabbage. Buttery onions, BBQ rub and chili con carne finish off this savory recipe, which you can find right here. (Nibble Me This)

Bánh Mì Hot Dogs Inspired by a traditional Vietnamese bánh mì sandwich, Emily at A Nutritionist Eats devised this fresh, flavorful take on a frankfurter. Her recipe incorporates spicy Sriracha mayonnaise, crunchy julienned veggies and chopped cilantro atop a freshly toasted baguette. (A Nutritionist Eats)

Guatemalan Hot Dog Tacos Known as mixtas, these frankfurter-filled tortillas are often eaten as a street food in Guatemala — but you don't have to travel all the way to Central America for a taste. Brooke at Food Woolf shares her family's authentic recipe here, along with Guatemalan-style slaw and guacamole. (Food Woolf)

Hawaiian Hot Dogs If pork and pineapple taste good on a Hawaiian pizza, they've gotta taste great on a grilled hot dog, too. Michelle from That's So Michelle tops her Hawaiian hot dogs with crispy bacon, pineapple chunks, chopped chives and a smear of hoisin sauce. Check out her recipe here. (That's So Michelle)

Sonoran Hot Dogs Originating in Sonora, Mexico, Sonoran-style hot dogs have become a favorite north of the border in Arizona. And because they're damn delicious, Damn Delicious food blogger Chung-Ah created her own loaded recipe featuring a bacon-wrapped hot dog topped with beans, avocado pico de gallo, and a generous drizzle of mayo. (Damn Delicious)

Colombian Hot Dogs Frequently sold on the streets of Medellin, these Colombian-style hot dogs (or perros caliente Colombiano) are topped with slaw, pineapple sauce and crushed potato chips. They're a favorite of Medellin native Erica, who shares her personal recipe (and the secret to her pineapple sauce) at My Colombian Recipes. (My Colombian Recipes)

Detroit-Style Coney Dogs Like your dogs with an extra serving of meat? Eat 'em like they do in Detroit. Laurie at Simply Scratch cooks up a "Coney" like they do in her native Michigan, complete with an essential all-meat chili topping. Click here to give it a try. (Simply Scratch)

The Milwaukee Dog You may have eaten a Chicago-style hot dog, but how about a Milwaukee dog? Wisconsin food blogger Dax Phillips of Simple Comfort Food put his local spin on the Windy City's signature dog by adding thick slivers of cheddar cheese. Check out the rest of his recipe here. (Simple Comfort Food)