Red Robin Combo Wins 'XTreme Eating Award' for Unhealthiest Meal


Congratulations are in order for Red Robin Gourmet Burgers, as they were recently determined to be serving America's "single unhealthiest meal" — and all without the aid of or

The Center for Science in the Public Interest has bestowed their annual XTreme Eating Award for Unhealthiest Meal to a combo plate from the Colorado-based burger chain. According to their findings, the "monster-sized" A.1. Peppercorn Burger with Bottomless Steak Fries and a Monster Salted Caramel Milkshake is the worst overall combo meal in terms of calories, salt, sugar and fat.

The CSPI's finding aren't to be taken lightly, either: They've reportedly studied the menus of over 200 chain restaurants and fast food establishments to arrive at their conclusions.

So how bad could this burger actually be? According to the CSPI, this specific meal/milkshake combo contains 3,540 calories, 69 grams of saturated fat, 6,280 milligrams of sodium and just under three-quarters of a cup of added sugar.

"To dispose of those calories, the average person would need to walk briskly for a full 12 hours," the CSPI writes on their website.

Although Red Robin "won" perhaps the most controversial XTreme Eating Award, one other restaurant in particular didn't fare much better. The Cheesecake Factory's Bruléed French Toast, Farfalle with Chicken and Roasted Garlic, and Reese’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake Cheesecake all earned honorable mentions on the CSPI's list.

Check out the complete results of the XTreme Eating Awards for the rest of this year's unhealthiest meals, or simply scroll down for another look at Red Robin's award-winning combo, all sexy and slathered in cheese: