Raw Chocolate Pudding with Irish Moss

(Alexandra Jamieson)

A light and sweet ending to any meal, this pudding is a great option if you can’t eat dairy. It’s no-bake too, making it easy to whip up on hot summer days. Garnish with blueberries, raspberries, chocolate powder, and mint leaves for added flavor.

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Servings: 4


? cup Irish Moss seaweed puree

1 cup Unsweetened almond, soy, or coconut milk

1 teaspoon Pure vanilla extract

? cup Cacao powder

1/3 cup Agave nectar or raw honey

? cup Coconut oil, melted


To make Irish Moss puree, soak ½ cup dry Irish Moss seaweed in enough cool water to cover. Refrigerate for at least 8 hours.

Drain and rinse the Irish Moss in cool water, removing any sand or rocks by rubbing with your fingers.

Chop roughly and combine in a blender with ½ cup cool water. Puree until smooth and pour into a bowl. At this point you can refrigerate the Irish Moss puree in an airtight glass jar for up to 1 week.

Combine ½ cup Irish Moss puree with the remaining ingredients in a blender and blend until very smooth.

Pour into individual glasses, ramekins or cups and refrigerate for at least 3 hours until the pudding is set.