Pumpkin carvers rolling out terrifying Trumpkins this Halloween

People are turning Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump into Halloween "Trumpkins."

Have you mastered the art of the Trumpkin?

Last year, a 374-pound pumpkin in Ohio painted to look like the Republican presidential hopeful gained international attention. But this election year, Donald Trump pumpkins are back and fiercer, orange-ier, and more realistic-looking than ever.

RELATED: The world's coolest carved pumpkins

Some showcase incredibly realistic artistic talent and carving prowess.

Others are little more than an orange gourd with an appropriately placed toupee.

And still others are downright terrifying.

Some people are making Clinton pumpkins to stand alongside their Trumpkins.

With thousands of #Trumpkin hashtags on Instagran and Facebook, one thing is certain, this trend is just getting started as we move to closer to Halloween.

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