Indoor kitchen beehive is a sticky accident waiting to happen

An indoor bee hive for the freshest honey. (Philips)

Many rational people would argue that as pets go, bees are decidedly of the outdoor variety.

But a new concept from Philips is trying to bring these humming insects inside—all in the name of fresh honey.

The urban beehive features a sleek glass container with natural honeycomb frames, thoughtfully designed to showcase your beautiful honeybees in any room of your choosing. An outdoor funnel connects the indoor portion to a flower pot where bees can feed.

When you’re ready for fresh honey, just pull on a handy smoke actuator to calm bees down as you collect their sticky, sweet product.

An indoor bee hive. What could go wrong?

The urban beehive, which is just a concept for now, is part of Philips' Microbial Home project, a set of design concepts that aim to boost sustainability efforts within a home environment. With bee populations on the decline, this artificial system might be a great way to promote honey bee preservation.

But for those allergic to bees, it might be one very painful experiment.

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