

A story of a boy and his clockwork automaton isn't generally the one to appeal to Oscar voters, but this gorgeous Scorsese movie apparently struck a chord. And the cocktail to raise in its honor needs to be every bit as complex and gorgeous. The Poet's Dream, a complex mix of gin, vermouth, Benedictine and bitters popular in the early '30s, fits the bill perfectly. The floral tang of the gin contrasts with the bitter herbs of the Benedictine and balance nicely with the dry vermouth. It's not sweet, but the mechanics of it are nearly as impressive as the steampunk aesthetic Scorsese managed to achieve.

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Servings: 1


2 ounce gin (Bulldog is just dry enough for the drink)

1 ounce dry vermouth

1 1/2 ounce Benedictine

2 Dashes orange bitters


Stir all the ingredients in a glass full of ice and then strain into a cocktail glass. Enough of these and you'll be doing the robot in no time.