Food fanatics: Items that have developed a cult following

In case you haven't heard yet, the McRib will return to McDonald's nationwide on Dec. 17.

A collective sigh of relief from followers went out Monday when the fast food giant announced the news after concern had been growing that a delay of its return in October might mean the equivalent to a Christmas without Santa Clause.

The cult following behind McDonald's BBQ pork sandwich is long and storied, but it's certainly not the only one.

This got us thinking about other food items that people fanatically crave.  It's true that their limited availability only heightens the desire.  But sometimes people go to extremes to get their fix; driving hours on end just to eat a sandwich, hoarding discontinued items in their basement.  If you're one of people who bid on the $200,000 Twinkie on eBay, you know what I mean.