Craft beer maker advances plans to construct world’s first beer-themed hotel

"The DogHouse" beer-themed hotel could open in 2018. (iStock)

Forget about the typical hotel room minibar.

Scottish beer maker BrewDog has announced plans to open the world's first crowd-funded beer hotel in the in Columbus, Ohio. A serious beer lovers' paradise, each room in the hotel would come with its very own beer tap.

Using an Indiegogo campaign, the brewer initially set a goal of $75,000 for the project but within days (and weeks before the campaign ends on March 31) the figure was shattered. As of March 13 the brewer has raised more than $182,000.

Apparently, people really, really want to visit “The DogHouse” hotel.

“We hit the original target in just 36 hours, which shows the community of craft beer fans around the world is just as keen on the idea of an amazing craft beer destination like ‘The DogHouse’ as we are,” Jessica Becker, a representative for the craft brewer, told Fox News via email.


“We’re now in overfunding and every additional dollar raised will go towards accelerating the build of ‘The DogHouse’ and exploring additional features & perks we can offer its guests,” she said.

Those perks vary from an educational course on the craft beer-making process, beer-based spa treatments, beer breakfasts, an in-shower beer fridge and even hot tubs filled with brews.

And, yes, there will even be toiletries made of beer.

Plus, now that the goal has been, the beer makers-turned-hoteliers are open to suggestions.

“Since we went live with the campaign, we’ve been inundated with ideas from the community about other perks they’d love to see, including beer yoga and meet-and-greets with our founders,” Becker said.

Financial backers have more of an incentive than just a chance to sleep in a new hotel. Those who provided and continue to give financial support could get a tour and tasting ($25), a shower beer ($300) and even the chance to design their own sour beer ($5,000). There are more than a dozen other options available, depending on the size of your contribution.

Got thousands to spend on beer? For $30,000, you could take over the entire 50-room hotel for a night.

BrewDog founder James Watt said the speed at which the money was raised showed the high level of interest and commitment of beer imbibers worldwide.

“We smashed the target in just 36 hours, which was insane and a real testament to the demand out there,” Watt told Fox Newsl. “Since then, we have been able to introduce a stretch goal of $200,000 so we can build a state-of-the-art residents’ bar on the rooftop of the hotel.”

If that goal is also met, Watt said, “then we’ll also unlock some new backer perks as well – such as the embossing of backers’ names on the bar and the chance to hire out the whole space.”


Regardless of financial contributions “The DogHouse” may not be suitable for everyone. For example, the brewer is still considering how best to workaround children and underage guests.

“I doubt the state of Ohio would look too kindly on us offering beer on tap to minors, so we might have to implement some light restrictions on some areas of the hotel,” Watt said.

Before getting too drunk on excitement, the brewer will also have to work out a plan to ensure that supporters of the Indiegogo campaign receive the right gift relative to their contribution level.

In 2015, thousands of backers paid around $200 each in a Kickstarter campaign for the creation of the “Coolest Cooler.” That product came with a built-in blender, Bluetooth speaker and more. But by Oct. 2016 many of the investors had yet to receive their coolers and the company was soon under investigation by the Oregon Department of Justice.


BrewDog, however, says it is well aware of its backers' investment and will work ensure that supporters at every level – and ones that contribute going forward in the campaign – will receive what's been promised.

“We’re well versed in delivering amazing benefits of all levels to our Equity Punk investors, so we’re confident we’ll be pretty competent issuing these perks for The DogHouse too,” Watt stated.

“Obviously many of the perks will only be redeemable once the hotel and sour beer facility launch, but once it’s open we’re looking forward to welcoming our amazing community of backers to see it for themselves.”

The hotel, which will accompany a sour beer brewery on site, is estimated to cost $6 million to build and furnish. The designs are in the works, and should be finalized by June. And if the funding, planning and construction proceed as planned, the hotel could start hosting guests as early as late summer 2008.

“Forget Disneyland,” the beer maker says on its campaign page. “This is the new happiest (or hoppiest) place on Earth.”

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