Cake curator makes edible art from your worst nightmares

The tentacles of a kraken--a mythical sea creature --claim a final victim.  (It's really rum cake.) (Miss Cakehead)

200 white chocolate pieces were used as teeth to form the monstrous mouth of the Kraken.  (Miss Cakehead)

The Kraken is served! Visitors get their first glimpse inside the realistic eye of the legendary sea monster, served up by Miss Cakehead herself.  (Miss Cakehead)

Kraken cysts and eye pupils (black pickled onions and black eggs) were presented to the more adventurous eaters.  (Miss Cakehead)

The event was staged aboard a small sea vessel in view of the abandoned Redsand military sea forts nine miles off the coast of Kent, England in the Thames estuary.  (Miss Cakehead)

A costumed diver observes the remains of the edible beast.  (Miss Cakehead)

An adventurous sea-faring diner feasts on Kraken Rum Cake.  (Miss Cakehead)

No, this is not a butcher shop. These life-like pig heads are actually cakes. (Miss Cakehead)

A grisly human autopsy in a meat locker.  It's a cake, we promise.    (Miss Cakhead.)

An edible arm dangles precariously from a meat hook. (Miss Cakehead)

A severed head from a crime scene project. (Miss Cakehead)

Care for a little dessert? Maggot filled cupcakes are a perfect Halloween treat. (Miss Cakehead)

A bloody, lifeless hand grasps an edible candy rope. (Miss Cakehead)

Food with a message. This STD-ridden cupcakes were created by Miss Cupcake's team to spread prevention awareness.  (Miss Cakehead)

Pizza lovers and cake lovers unite. Never again will you have to choose between dinner and dessert. (Miss Cakehead)

Visitors to Kingly Court in London were treated to this whimsical forest display in honor of National Baking Week. (Miss Cakehead)

This delectable campfire scene gives traditional s'mores a run for their money.  (Miss Cakehead)

Nothing like a freshly picked carrot...cake. (Miss Cakehead)

The most magical cake on earth: a life size unicorn with rainbow layers.  (Miss Cakehead)