440-pound chocolate peanut butter cup breaks Guinness World Record

Confectioners and helpers pose with the giant creation. (Courtesy The Candy Factory)

Calling all Reese’s lovers.

The Candy Factory—a Los Angeles based confectionery—claims it has broken the Guinness World Record for the largest chocolate peanut butter cup.

It took the shop owners three hours to pour the melted chocolate and spread the creamy peanut butter by hand, reports CBS. Instead of using a traditional baker’s mold, the candy makers used a kiddie pool to contain this giant confection.

Weighing in at just over 441 pounds, this peanut butter cup beats the current Guinness World record holder by over 200 pounds. Though Guinness officials have yet to verify the title, The Candy Factory owners are confident in their creation.

After the Guinness team can take official cup measurements, pieces of the larger-than-life candy will be sold in one pound pieces with all proceeds going toward a charity.

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