Which Movie Always Makes David Beckham Cry?


Who knew he was so sensitive? Former soccer player, current underwear mogul and all-around smoking hot man David Beckham recently told BBC radio 1 that he's a big boo-hooer when it comes to movies and TV.

"I'm kind of an emotional wreck with movies," Beckham told radio host Nick Grimshaw. "I can't get through some movies without shedding a tear, I can't lie."

But which film makes him break out the tissues?

"'Armageddon,'" Beckham said, citing the 1998 Michael Bay blockbuster starring Ben Affleck and Bruce Willis. "I'm the same when I'm watching 'The Office,' or when I'm watching 'Friends,'" he later added.

Beckham was visiting BBC Radio 1 to promote a new documentary, "The Class of '92," which chronicles the careers of Beckham and five of his former Manchester United teammates.

And, according to the star, this movie is a bit of a tear-jerker as well — when he showed his sons the film's trailer, Beckham admits that he "kind of got choked up" himself.