What does Jamie Lee Curtis go as for Halloween?

Jamie Lee Curtis and husband Chris Guest. (Reuters)

While Hollywood stars earn their keep dressing up, some still do make an effort on Halloween, while others view themselves as scary enough without extra bells and whistles.

"I told my kids we were Jehovah’s Witnesses this year because I didn’t want to buy them an outfit,” radio host and comedian Adam Carolla told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. “So if you see them, go along with that will you?”

And it seems the mere sight of Jamie Lee Curtis is adequately terrifying all on its own.

“I don’t have to (dress up), I am Halloween,” she quipped. “All I have to do is walk around. I’m not only famous but I star in the movie ‘Halloween,’ so I just go as Jamie Lee Curtis."

Meanwhile, legendary rocker Alice Cooper – who is known for his frightful makeup and has his own scary maze at Hollywood’s Universal Studios – views the iconic holiday as a chance to look a little more normal.

“That’s one thing about us (his band), we always get to be Halloween so usually Halloween night we dress as insurance salesman or something,” he explained. “But one of the guys did dress up as Jackie Kennedy with a little pillbox hat. He looked just like her too, looked kind of good.”

Speaking of politics, British-born comedian Russell Brand has developed his own tradition embodying the famous Guy Fawkes, a member of a group of provincial English Catholics who planned the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605 and has spawned the popularity of white mask with striking black features.

“We have Guy Fawkes night. He was a guy who was going to blow out the houses of Parliament but he got caught and wasn’t able to do it,” Brand continued. “We celebrate Guy Fawkes night every year by burning an effigy of him, but he was only trying his best!”

Ed O’Neill is also into mask-donning for Halloween.

“I may put a mask on, just to wear a mask,” he said. “Just a little bank robber’s mask; maybe rob something.”

Yet for other famous faces, Halloween conjures up ingrained childhood fears.

“I’m actually really afraid of zombies, I have always been,” ‘Hellboy” director Guillermo del Toro added. “It’s the extra fat that makes me palatable.”