Too posh to push?

<b>Jessica Simpson</b> The singer-turned-reality-star gave birth to her first child, Maxwell Drew on June 1 via cesarian section. Little Max weighed a whopping 9lbs. and 13oz. Jess was probably better off! Check out which other ladies opted for surgery instead of natural births. (AP) (StarPix 2011)

<b>Tiffani Thiessen</b> Okay, so we feel bad calling her "posh" since she did actually push - for a while! "First my water didn’t break; they had to do it for me,” the "90210" star explains. “Then the baby wasn’t descending, because the cord was wrapped around her neck. Once she was finally out, I didn’t even get to hold her before they whisked her away. You’re staring across the room, like, ‘Hello? Over here!’ The whole thing was very surreal.” (Reuters)

<b>Angelina Jolie</b> Angelina Jolie delivered her all three of her biological children, Shiloh, 6, and twins Knox Leon and Vivienne, Marcheline, 3, via C-section. (AP)

<b>Beyonce</b> Despite rumors to the contrary, Beyonce says that she welcomed her first child, daughter Blue, naturally. “We are happy to announce the arrival of our beautiful daughter, Blue Ivy Carter … Her birth was emotional and extremely peaceful, we are in heaven. She was delivered naturally at a healthy 7 lbs and it was the best experience of both of our lives." (

<b>Alessandra Ambrosio</b> The gorgeous model delivered daughter Anja via c-section in 2008 and will likely do the same with her second child due later this year.   (

<b>Christina Aguilera</b> Powerhouse singer Christina Aguilera scheduled a C-section to deliver her son Max before she even knew if the procedure was necessary. She defended her decision to Hello Magazine, explaining "I didn't want any surprises. Honestly, I didn't want any tearing. The hardest part was deciding on his birthday. I wanted to leave it up to fate, but at the same time I was ready to be done early!" (AP )

<b>Victoria Beckham</b> Victoria Beckham started the "Too Posh to Push" craze by delivering all three of her sons, and most recently her daughter, via C-section. (AP )

<b>Britney Spears</b> Britney Spears was too scared to deliver her sons the natural way explaining "My mom said giving birth was the most excruciating thing she's ever gone through in her life." (AP )

<b>Tori Spelling</b> Although she had to deliver her son Liam via emergency C-section, Tori Spelling said at the time that she was actually against the practice and explained to People Magazine: "There is a big myth in Hollywood that actresses get c-sections because they are easier, but if I did not have to have one, I would not recommend it." Her second child, Stella, was delivered via C as well.  Although most recent addition Hattie, didn't wait till her scheduled c-section - Tori's water broke six days prior - there's another child on the way for Tori and Dean, so odds are she'll be opting for another big C.   (AP )

<b>Nicole Richie</b> Nicole Richie delivered daughter Harlow the good old fashioned way and described the experience as being pretty quick and painless, telling People Magazine" "I don't know what time I actually went into labor, but I pushed for 10 minutes. Three pushes and she was out." It's unclear is son Sparrow was quite that easy.  (AP )

<b>Kate Winslet</b> While she was forced to deliver her daughter, Mia, via C-section, Kate Winslet proudly took the au natural route the second time around with the birth of her son, Joe. (AP )

<b>Katie Holmes</b> Katie Holmes is a real champion. Not only did she deliver Suri naturally, she did so without drugs, and, one would assume, without yelling and screaming, as per the regulations of a Scientology "Silent Birth." (AP )

<b>Jennifer Lopez</b> Jennifer Lopez delivered twins Max and Emme via emergency C-section when she went into labor days before her scheduled C-section date. (AP )

<b>Ashlee Simpson</b> Ashlee Simpson is another celeb who couldn't face the pain of a natural birth, scheduling a C-section way in advance to bring baby Bronx into the world. (AP )

<b>Jessica Alba</b> Jessica Alba kept calm and relaxed when she gave birth to Honor in 2008, telling OK Magazine: "The labor was more like meditation. I did yoga breathing. I was focused." In fact, it was such a breeze that she delivered baby numero dos naturally as well. “When I delivered Haven she was born still inside the amniotic sac, which is rare," she explained. "The sac burst on its own after she came out. It was a trip.” (AP )