TIME's Person of the Year and Kate Middleton's Little Black Dress


Here's what's happening in our world:

Miley Cyrus is leading TIME magazine's 2013 Person of the Year poll. (Before you object, remember that she fits both criteria for the honor: she's a person, and it's a year.)

Kate Middleton looked radiant at her latest charity engagement for SportsAid, because of course she did.

David and Victoria Beckham graced two alternate covers for Vogue Paris, giving smoldering looks to each other, and also us.

People across the country have already been stabbed and shot in their quest to get the best Black Friday deals.

"American Idol" host Ryan Seacrest was spotted out and about with his new girlfriend, a model/personal trainer who takes a lot of selfies for her personal fitness blog.

Quentin Tarantino went on "The Tonight Show" and told Leno that his next film will be a western. There's no word on who Christoph Waltz will ultimately play, but expect him to win an Oscar for it nevertheless.

Despite going out for dinner together, Tom Cruise claims that he is not dating Laura Prepon of "That 70s Show" and "Orange is the New Black" fame.

Meanwhile, his ex Katie Holmes was busy sharing photos of her carb-heavy Thanksgiving dinner.

The Kardashians, too, decided to tweet photos of their dishes, just like everyone else on your Instagram and Twitter feeds.

The Carrie Underwood version of "The Sound of Music" hasn't even aired yet, and she's already getting tons of hate-tweets.

Lady Gaga performed on last night's Muppets' Holiday Spectacular, and it's mesmerizing.

And finally, Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore are officially divorced, so they're technically no longer cheating with Mila Kunis and whomever Demi's dating, respectively.