Then/Now: The Cast of 'A Christmas Story'

It wouldn't be Christmas without this quirky family flick, centered on Ralphie, the blue-eyed boy who longs for a BB gun of his very own.  Watching 'A Christmas Story' has become a holiday tradition for millions as the 1983 movie has become an instant holiday classic thanks to its memorable cast and quotable scenes.  Before you watch it this year, check out our "then-and-now" look at the Hohman, Indiana, family and friends. 

Ralphie was forced to try on a hated Christmas gift: pink bunny pajamas. "Aunt Clara had for years labored under the delusion that I was not only perpetually 4 years old, but also a girl," said Ralphie. Hee hee hee.

Nine year-old Ralphie Parker had just one Christmas wish: a Red Ryder air rifle.  The boy who portrayed Ralphie came from a family of child actors. Actress Barbara Billingsley is his cousin by marriage. Before 'A Christmas Story' made him a famous face, Billingsley had appeared in films like 'Honky Tonk Freeway' and 'Paternity.'

Now 38, Billingsley works behind the camera as a producer for films includinge 'Iron Man' and 'Four Christmases,' in which he also has small on-screen roles.  He directed this year's comedy 'Couples Retreat.'  Billingsley has also made a handful of TV cameos, including the 2003 Christmas flick 'Elf.'  See the thread? (AP)

McGavin, also known for his roles on series like ‘The Night Stalker’ and ‘Mike Hammer,’ played Ralphie's foul-mouthed father, AKA “The Old Man.”

McGavin's long career included big-screen, small-screen and stage roles, as well as producing, directing and writing credits.  He received an Emmy nomination in 1990 for his role on ‘Murphy Brown.’  The actor passed away in 2006 at the age of 83.  (AP)

Before 'A Christmas Story,' the actress had appeared on series like 'CHiPs' and 'Bonanza.' As Ralphie's doting mother, she was always ready to wash his mouth out with soap.

Dillon, now 70, starred in the 1999 film 'Magnolia,' (at left) among other movie and TV roles. She’s been nominated for a Tony, a Golden Globe, and an Oscar during her career.  (Newline)

The former child actor is famous for his role as Randy Parker, Ralphie's bulky snowsuit-wearing little brother. "Mommy's little piggie!"

These days, Petrella, 34, focuses on animation and puppetry rather than acting.  (Photo: Bernie Floyd Thomas)

Schwartz played Ralphie's pal Flick, who wound up with his tongue stick to a frozen pole after submitting to a triple dog dare.

Schwartz, now 41, worked in porn in the 90s -- including 'Scotty's X-Rated Adventure.’ Oh my. He reportedly manages a sports and movie memorabilia store in L.A. with his father. 

Flick is dared to stick his tongue to the pole. "NOW it was serious. A double-dog-dare. What else was there but a "triple dare you"? And then, the coup de grace of all dares, the sinister triple-dog-dare."

Ward played redheaded bully Scut Farkus, Ralphie's tormenter. "Scut Farkus! What a rotten name! We were trapped. There he stood, between us and the alley. Scut Farkus staring out at us with his yellow eyes. He had yellow eyes! So, help me, God! Yellow eyes!"

Ward, now 39, went on to star on series ‘Titus’ and the film ‘Postal’ (at left) as well as horror flicks like ‘Freddy vs. Jason.’ 

Cast members reunited in 2003 for the 20th anniversary special edition DVD release of 'A Christmas Story.' From left to right: R.D. Robb (who played Ralphie's friend Schwartz), Petrella (Randy), Billingsley (Ralphie), director Bob Clark, Scott Schwartz (Flick) and Ward (Scut Farkus).  (AP)

The Cleveland, Ohio house used for the exterior shots of the family home was opened to the public in 2006 as <a href="">the Christmas Story House and Museum</a>.  In 2005, avid fan Brian Jones purchased the home on eBay for $150,000. Jones restored the home to the way it looked on screen. The exterior of the home was completely restored and the interior was renovated to match the interior of the home shown in the movie. (Parts of the interior was actually filmed in a Toronto studio)  On November 25th, 2006, the famous home opened its doors as a tourist attraction.  (AP)

And then there's the leg lamp, prized possession of The Old Man. ("It's a Major Award. I won it!") The Major Award met a tragic end in the film, but a replica lives on in the 'Christmas Story' museum - the renovated Cleveland home where the film was shot. Seriously! (AP)