The Weekly Wrap: What You May Have Missed


Another week has come and gone, and with it, a bunch of fun Hollywood news and style stories.

But no matter how many of those articles you managed to read, there's still some that managed to slip through the cracks. Well, we climbed down into those cracks, scooped up a handful of the best stories from the last few days, and slopped them into this roundup.

Here's what you may have missed this week:

William, Kate and George released their both with and without dogs.

Did you notice the dress Kate was wearing in those photos? Good luck getting one; after the pictures were published.

Matt Damon calls his wife Somewhere, Ben Affleck is bummed.

Not too bummed, though. He just landed the role of Batman in Zack Snyder's upcoming "Man of Steel" sequel.

Are you still thinking about Kate's dress? Just let it go already! Here, how about some nice or instead?

The Obamas got a new dog. She looks like their first dog.

These make tons and tons of money.

Here's to spice up your meals with Sriracha sauce. Now here's to cool down with iced coffee.

Make sure you're eating though. They're believed to give you extremely beautiful hair.

September is a big month for magazine covers. See who's gracing which in our

Cluttered closet? to help thin the racks. Or, you could take this advice from the and hire someone to build you a new closet.