'The Good Wife' recap: Peter and Alicia get close again

[Spoiler alert!  The following contains spoilers from "The Good Wife"]

The old saying politics makes strange bedfellows was proven true on Sunday night's episode of "The Good Wife."

Alicia Florrick (Julianna Margulies) unexpectedly jumps into bed with her love rat estranged husband Peter (Chris Noth) after they're forced to live together for his presidential campaign.

Things get complicated when Illinois Governor Peter's campaign manager Ruth Eastman (Margo Martindale) and Alicia's Chief of Staff Eli Gold (Alan Cumming) are panicked about media reports that the couple hasn't shared a bed in three years.

The two spindoctors arrange for Peter, who is running for the Democrat presidential nomination, to move into Alicia's apartment, interrupting another of her flirtatious encounters with investigator Jason Crouse (Jeffrey Dean Morgan).

Before Peter's arrival, Alicia makes margaritas for Jason and tells him he's doing great work, but nervously adds that she has to get insurance for her firm and wants him to sign a release for liability.

"In case I beat someone up," smirks Jason, who, as "The Good Wife" viewers know, has a checkered past including an altercation with a judge.

Jason almost balks, but then does sign the document, to Alicia's relief.

Things start to get steamy as Jason takes off his glasses and makes intense eye contact with Alicia, who offers him a dinner of mini tacos.

But the big tease ends when Peter barges in with his security team and Jason has to leave.

Later in the episode, after scoring big in a legal deposition, a celebratory Alicia comes home and hauls out the tequila.

Peter tells her he just received one million dollars from a campaign donor.

"Want to get laid?" she asks him.

"Do you?" the surprised governor says.

"Sure, I got twenty minutes," Alicia replies.

"Me, too," Peter says.

As the two take their clothes off in the bedroom, Peter looks ahead, telling her, "Next stop, Lincoln bedroom."

Alicia asks her husband if he really thinks he can win the presidency.

"I think Ruth thinks I have a shot if things go wrong with Hillary or Bernie," Peter shrugs.

Peter gets a phone call and says it's probably a donor, but Alicia tells him to ignore it and they have sex.

In the bedroom, Alicia makes it clear to her longtime cheating hubby that their tryst doesn't mean anything, telling him, "It's always sexier not to care."

Alicia also has to assure a worried Eli, who sees them getting dressed afterwards, that she's taking care of herself.

Also on the episode, Vanessa Williams joins the cast as CEO Courtney Paige, who is considering being a campaign donor for Peter but is skeptical about the Florrick marriage.

Eli invites Courtney to meet Peter and Alicia at their daughter Grace's birthday party, even though it isn't really her birthday.

Over dinner, the Florricks make a good impression on Courtney until Peter's mother Jackie and lawyer Howard Lyman (Jerry Adler) unexpectedly drop in to announce they're engaged.

Offensive Jackie tells Courtney how much she likes "Peter's African-American friends," and calls her "an inspiration to all urban children."

While an apologetic Eli tells Courtney the night was a disaster, she replies that he worries too much.

And later, Courtney informs a thrilled Eli she's decided to support Peter in the race.

Also on Sunday's episode, Louis Canning (Michael J. Fox) throws Alicia and her partner Lucca Quinn (Cush Jumbo) a case involving a self-driving car that lands them all back at Lockhart, Agos, & Lee opposing Diane Lockhart (Christine Baranski) and Cary Agos (Matt Czuchry).

More importantly, Alicia attends her first meeting as a member of the Chicago Election Board, where corrupt DNC Chairman Frank Landau introduces her. As Landau had previously told Alicia to vote no on everything, she casts a "no" vote on replacing current election machines with new ones.

Later, another board member, Craig Holman, visits Alicia and tells her if she changes her vote to support the new voting machine company, he would nominate her to be the chairman of the board.

Jason tells Alicia that Landau's wife owns a company involved in the voting machines.

When Landau discovers Holman has met with Alicia, he threatens the potential first lady about voting against him. He points out that Holman is part owner of the new voting machine company, and is therefore just as corrupt as Landau.

The DNC boss warns Alicia he could hurt her and Peter.

As the episode ends during another board meeting, Alicia is deciding which way to go on the vote. To be continued…
"The Good Wife" airs Sunday on CBS.

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