The 10 Best Responses From Betty White's Reddit AMA Session


If there's any question as to why Betty White is one of the most beloved celebrities of the Internet era (and well before that, too), the 92-year-old actress put those doubts to rest on Reddit this Monday afternoon.

As part of Reddit's ongoing "Ask Me Anything" sessions, White answered dozens of queries from fans on subjects ranging from her famous friends to her favorite scents. And, just like White herself, her answers were sweet, often silly, and nothing short of endearing.

Have a look at a few of White's best responses below:

#1. On Her Favorite Acting Role

"It's a toss up. Sue Ann Nivens [from 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show'] and Rose [Nylund, from 'The Golden Girls']. But I'm having a ball with Elka [Ostrovsky, of 'Hot in Cleveland']!"

#2. On Her Preference Between Pancakes or Waffles


#3. On Her Three Favorite Smells

"New puppies, pine trees and new kittens."

#4. On Her Favorite Animal

"Anything with a leg on each corner."

#5. On Who Should Portray Her in a Betty White Biopic

"I would love it if it were Meryl Streep or Julie Andrews, but they would probably cast someone like Chris Rock."

#6. On Her Favorite Technological Innovation of the Last 25 Years

"Sliced bread?"

#7. On Lucille Ball's Backgammon Strategy

"She used to teach me the game but she used to move the pieces so fast. I used to say, ['H]ow are you teaching me if you move the pieces so fast[?'] and she would say, [']I want to win![']"

#8. On Her Favorite Cocktail

"Vodka on the rocks with a big lemon squeeze."

#9. On the One Special Moment She'd Like to Relive

"Well, at 92, that question gets pretty rough to answer. There have been so many special moments. One of the top ones was marrying Allen Ludden."

#10. On an Up-and-Coming Actress Who Reminds Her of Herself

"There's nobody old enough."