Taryn Manning's New Film Centers on Rock and Roll's Most Dangerous Age: 27

Actress Taryn Manning has chosen some interesting roles in her movie career.

She’s played Britney Spears knocked up BFF in “Crossroads,” Eminem’s maybe pregnant ex-girlfriend in “8 Mile” and a prostitute with a golden voice in “Hustle & Flow.”

Now, Manning wants to star in a new role – musician.

HOT SHOTS: Taryn Manning

“Right now, my current material is dance pop music – it’s fun, it’s lighthearted, it’s for the dance floor,” Manning told FOX 411 about her new album, Turn it Up. “It’s music to kinda just forget about all the not-so happy things that are going on in the world and just to dance and have a good time. That’s what I set out to do with this particular album.”

Manning, who also knows how to play acoustic guitar, draws on her musical talents to portray fiery road manager Rose Atropos in her new film, “The Perfect Age of Rock n Roll.”

“It’s a film about rock and roll and the trials and tribulations of the glamourous–and not-so glamourous–life of being on the road,” says Manning. “It’s cool. it’s all about rock and roll, and the perfect age of rock and roll–that being that magical–and not-so magical–number of 27.”

The film’s title refers to the milestone year that ended the lives of rock legends Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain–and Amy Winehouse.

“I guess it’s a cautionary tale,” Manning says of the film’s “27 Club” premise. “(There’s) not really anything you can do about it if you’re not 27 yet, and you’re in the music industry. It’s nothing to be afraid of–it’s just a really bizarre coincidence that we’ve lost so many great people at that age. What’s ironically timely about it is what just happened with (Amy Winehouse).”

“The Perfect Age of Rock n Roll” is now playing in theaters and On Demand.

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