'Six' portrays the heroism of Navy SEAL Team Six

History goes modern with its latest TV project, the military action drama "Six," which tells the story of Navy SEAL Team Six and its 2014 mission to eliminate a Taliban leader in Afghanistan when things goes awry and they uncover a U.S. citizen working as a jihadist fighter with the terrorists.

The concept for the series came from Harvey Weinstein, co-chairman of The Weinstein Company, who thought of the idea when he read about Boko Haram kidnapping school children in Africa, but he needed to bring on someone with the proper credentials to write the script in a manner that honored the heroism of SEALs in an honest way.

He found the perfect pair in Vietnam veteran William Broyles, who was nominated for an Oscar for "Apollo 13," and his son David Broyles, a military special operations veteran.

"I always felt the story of the heroic men and women, who for 15 years have been fighting terror at the highest level, really deserved to be told, and not just in a superhero way but telling stories of these guys as human beings, who might be your neighbor or somebody you see at the supermarket, and who then put on gear and go out and do extraordinary things, not knowing if they will come back." Broyles told FOX411.

In "Six," the story begins after the events in Afghanistan when the SEAL's former mentor is working contract security in Africa and gets caught in a horrific attack on a school in Nigeria. He, along with several girls and their teacher, is kidnapped. So, the mission is to rescue the abductees -- and SEAL Team Six volunteers.

"A lot of real issues that we raise in the show are issues of life and death and choices that these guys have to live with, but at the same time they love what they do," Broyles says.

In order to really immerse the audience in what it's like behind the scenes as the team members set out on their mission, Broyles turned to U.S. Navy SEAL Mitchell Hall ("Zero Dark Thirty," "Lone Survivor"), who functioned as the series’ technical adviser.

"We want the audience to feel, 'Yes, it’s a fictional story and characters, but something like this, with people like this and their families is happening right now,'" says Broyles. "[These ops are] something that the rest of us may take for granted, or not know about until it hits the headlines, but to me, this is one of the major dramas going on in our national lives, in the world right now, because we’ve been fighting for 15 years, but terror attacks are at an all-time high."

In real life and in the eight-part series, SEAL Team Six is an all-star team, comprised of the best of the best. So the search to find the right actors to play them was an extensive one.

"What we were looking for in the guys we cast was the ability to portray them as real human beings, not acting like they are tough," Broyles says. "The real men don’t have anything to prove. They leave on incredibly difficult missions, the way you and I might go on a business trip, and immediately plunge into the most dangerous combat situations in the world. Then they return to supposedly normal life over and over and over again."

Once the actors were cast, they underwent training, and Broyles smiles when he recalls the difference between the first day and the fourth, because at that point, there was no more posturing. They were just guys at the end of their rope, trying to help each other out.

"These guys say they’re closer to their fellow actors that they went to the SEAL Camp with than almost anybody else in their lives," he says. "They bonded at a really deep human level. They're drawing on that experience to portray how these guys really are. Their performances are really grounded, and they have the deep, emotional connection and reservoirs of courage that our main characters really have to draw on."

“Six,” starring Barry Sloane, Kyle Schmid, Juan Pablo Raba, Edwin Hodge, Brianne Davis, Nadine Velazquez, Dominic Adams, and Walton Goggins, is coming soon to the History Channel.

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