Sharon Stone is worried about how her butt looks

There’s no denying that Sharon Stone is in great shape.

But the 56-year-old star admitted she still doesn’t feel totally bikini ready.

"I haven't worked out in a couple of months because I just didn't feel like it," she told E! News. "But now I'm going on vacation and I know what they're going to do—[the tabloids] are going to put a circle around my ass and do one of those crazy magnified pictures saying, 'What happened to her ass? It's a bag of cheese.' I would just like to say it's a fine triple crème brie!"

Stone added with a laugh, "Right when they zoom in I should have a tattoo on my ass that says, 'You wish you could get a bite of this.'"

The actress recently told Extra she is ready to find that special someone.

I’m available for dating,” she said last week. “What happened is my kids have reached the age where I feel comfortable to date. I didn’t want to date when they were little … who needs a bunch of people running in and out of their lives? Now I feel comfortable dating.”

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