Selena Gomez's Bikini Selfie, Dwayne Johnson's Newborn Baby Girl, and Much, Much More

Here's what's happening out there:

• "Good For You" singer Selena Gomez posted the above bikini selfie on Wednesday in order to tease an upcoming project with photographer Steven Klein. And while we appreciate Selena's efforts (and admirable physique), we can only hope this Klein guy is better at cropping out unsightly trash cans or damaged shiplap paneling.

• Speaking of ladies who are exceedingly good at Instagram, Victoria's Secret model Shanina Shaik recently posted loads of workout pics in preparation for the VS Fashion Show.  to see some for yourselves (there's nary a trashcan in sight!), then watch our interview with Shanina below to learn more about her rigorous regimen:

• Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and his girlfriend Lauren Hashian welcomed a baby girl on Wednesday. This is the Rock's second daughter (he has a 14-year-old from a previous relationship), but perhaps the first he'll finally name "Pebbles," like we're all hoping he will.

• According to the Recording Industry Association of America, Michael Jackson's "Thriller" has become the first album in history to sell more than 30 million copies in the U.S. This would suggest that 1 in every 11 Americans has owned a copy, and also that (roughly) the same number can do the dance from the "Thriller" video by heart.

• Comedy Central's relatively new late-night host Larry Wilmore ("The Nightly Show") has been chosen to host the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner next April. "I'm beyond excited for this!" he wrote on Twitter, perhaps because he's still unaware that the job description requires him to gently poke fun at the most powerful man in the free world.

• A social media account called "Planet Ghostbusters" has somehow obtained the first official image of the new "Ghostbusters" team from the upcoming reboot starring Melissa McCarthy, Kate McKinnon, Kristin Wiig and Leslie Jones. And we have to admit it looks pretty rad, even if we don't really like the way Lady-Egon is mis-handling that proton wand.

• And finally, the Recording Academy announced that LL Cool J will be hosting the Grammy Awards for a fifth consecutive time in 2016. So either he's the only one who actually wants the gig, or the Recording Academy still thinks LL Cool J is a major player in the music scene despite his current career as an NCIS officer in Los Angeles.