Sandra Bullock should retire from movies, join Sugarhill Gang

Sure "Gravity" is good, but this is great.

Sandra Bullock wowed a British talk show crowd with her rendition of the '70s rap classic "Rapper's Delight."

Bullock was on "The Jonathan Ross Show" promoting her new space disaster movie, which has claimed the top box office top spot two consecutive weeks, and divulged that she had once used the Sugarhill Gang's hit song to woo a cute boy in high school.

In preparation for a school dance, she had learned all the "Rapper's Delight" lyrics, of which there are more than a few.

"I was like, 'Next time I go to that dance, I'm going to know every word," she said. "I'm going to make sure he sees me lip-syncing it, and I'm going to catch his eye, and say the words. And he's going to like me. And sadly it worked."

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Then she laid down the truth.

Tom Hanks, promoting his film "Captain Phillips," was also on the show, and joined Bullock for another musical gag, this time playing chopsticks on a giant keyboard, as he had in the hit film "Big."

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