Royal Baby Frenzy As Kate Middleton Gives Birth To Baby Boy, Celebrities Chime In

A mask depicting Britain's Duchess of Cambridge and a clock showing New York time, which were placed by members of the media, is seen across St. Mary's Hospital exclusive Lindo Wing in London, Sunday, July 21, 2013. Media are preparing for royal-mania as the Duchess is expected to give birth to the new third-in-line to the throne in mid-July, at the Lindo Wing. Cameras from all over the world are set to be jostling outside for an exclusive first glimpse of Britain's Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge's first child. (AP Photo/Lefteris Pitarakis) (AP2013)

The “Great Kate Wait” is over!

Palace officials say Prince William's wife Kate has given birth to a baby boy.

Officials said Monday the baby was born at 4:24 p.m. and weighs 8 pounds 6 ounces.

The infant, the couple's first child, will become third in line for the British throne after Prince Charles and William.

Kate had checked into a private wing at St. Mary's Hospital in central London early Monday morning with William spending the long hours of labor at her bedside.

It is a historic moment for the British monarchy — the baby will be third in line for the British throne, after Prince Charles and William, and should eventually become king or queen.

Selena Gomez, who now shares a birthday with the heir to the British thrown, did not mention the baby himself but did mention his mama.

As numerous celebrities comment on the royal birth, some of the funniest have come from reality star Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi.

Snooki, who recently gave Middleton some parenting advice, simply told the duchess to “Push girl, pushhhhhh!”

In a video she posted on July 19th, Polizzi said, “I have no doubt that you will be an amazing mom,” in reference to Middleton.

“The lack of sleep you will get used to, just do your makeup, put a tiara on, and you’ll look beautiful as usual,” Polizzi added.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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