Robert Goldstone: The publicist behind the infamous Donald Trump Jr. meeting with Russian lawyer

Robert Goldstone is the celebrity publicist thrust into the international spotlight after news came out that he brokered a meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a Russian attorney, Natalia Veselnitskaya, who reportedly promised dirt on Hillary Clinton prior to the 2016 Presidential election.

The British publicist is the President and Co-founder of OUI 2 Entertainment, which according to the company’s website, represents "some of the biggest music brands and entertainment events in the country, including a decade relationship with EMI Music Publishing (then the world’s largest music publisher), Best Buy (handling their PR and creating events to introduce them into New York and San Francisco including Sting in Central Park), The Friars Club (handling media for their Roasts and tributes).”

A quick Google search of Goldstone shows him in pictures with several celebrities including Tina Turner and former Miss Universe Olivia Culpo, who appears in several photos with him.

On Monday, comedian Kathy Griffin, who was recently embroiled in her own controversy for posing with a fake severed head of President Trump, posted a picture alongside of Goldstone with the caption: “Don't recall taking this photo with Russian intermediary Rob Goldstone, but I am in my Dynasty hat waiting for my interview with Mr. Mueller.”

Since news of his participation to set up the Trump Jr./Veselnitskaya meeting, Goldstone has made his Instagram account private, but surprisingly has left his Facebook profile public, revealing an interesting, eccentric persona.

Goldstone’s profile reveals a plethora of selfies and international trips, including what appears to be a current visit to Greece.

Goldstone did not return Fox News' requests for comment.